
How to choose the best blanket?

Within the universe of textiles, one of the most commercial is the blanket. You can find it raw, finished, with different weights, specifications and this leads us to the obligatory question How to choose the best blanket?

Everything will depend on the use you want to give your textile because there is a wide range so you can choose the one that best suits your needs and projects. Before buying you should know the following points:

  • What material do you want your blanket? Since there are cotton, polyester, bamboo, regenerated.
  • What weight do you require? There are blankets that can range from 70 to 180 gr/m2.
  • What is the price range at which you want to purchase your product? A lot will depend on your budget, along with the features of your fabric.

Here we leave you some types, features and finishes so you can take the choice more easily.



They are blankets woven mainly in 100% cotton so that the footwear has a good breathability, regularly used in width of 100 to 150 cm; can carry plush and ready to give better body. Some examples of these blankets can be the flannels, canapinas and jersey.

Tote bag

For this type of market, it is recommended that the blanket to use is raw or pre washed that gives an organic effect; however, you can also find colorful and plush blankets on one of their faces to give a soft touch. Weights from 150 to 180 gr/m2 are recommended for durability.


Mainly used for handmade garments in width of 150 cm and bright colors, mainly 140 gr/m2 due to its easy handling to make and the freshness it gives the user, are 100% cotton to improve breathability.

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