
What kind of fabrics to use for ecological bags?

Ready to design a bag for your business or organization? There are countless design styles to choose from, which is part of the fun and creativity of custom-made products, but have you thought about the material that will make your bag? Here too you have many options, including some special eco-friendly materials.

Today, more and more people are looking to reduce their dependence on single-use plastic with durable reusable bags. Why not take your bag design one step further and make sure it is made of an eco-friendly material? Your customers and the planet will appreciate it!

For starters, there are some key points to consider so you can select the best material:

  • Verify the origin of the fiber: whether it is natural or synthetic.
  • You can review the resources that were used for raw materials, which may include water, soil, and pesticides.
  • The process of creating the material. For example, do you require large amounts of energy to produce it?
  • Tissue longevity. Will it last?

Looking at the above, we present some of the best options for you to develop your project.

Six materials to choose from when making ecological bags:

Bags of blankets

The blanket is a great choice due to its natural and biodegradable fiber compared to plastic and other synthetic materials; in addition, these bags are resistant and durable. With this material is easier to customize, they are very suitable for printing and dyeing. You may have seen that most people use blanket bags almost everywhere in their daily lives and this is because it restricts the amount of contaminants involved in the production process making it more environmentally friendly.

Bags of canvas

Canvas bags usually offer benefits similar to those of the blanket; the only difference is durability and strength, which makes them a good choice for your eco-friendly bag. Canvas materials are smooth and durable fabrics that can be made from cotton fibers. In this material, it can also be dyed, plucked and stamped to give added value to your final product.

Bags of jute

Jute bags are regularly made with hemp yarn, a natural product, easy to mold and sew with other customizations; in addition, it is breathable, flexible and can easily decompose.

Eco-friendly non-woven bags

The non-woven material is made of random materials and is a new generation of eco-friendly materials; however, the main component of eco-friendly non-woven bags is polypropylene. This material has a variety of colors for customers to choose from; in addition, eco-friendly non-woven bags are recyclable, reusable and can easily replace plastic bags.

In summary:

All of these tissues are more planet-friendly, which means that by using them you are contributing to nature conservation. It is important to comment that the faster the plastic bags are replaced with reusable materials, the more the planet will be cared for. Also, remember that a very important advantage that can give you using these materials is that it is easier to customize them to your liking which gives added value to your final products.

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